B-Sides London Challenge was supposed to be a one time thing. However when the peepdf’s author creates a challenge it’s hard to say no to that!
Don’t try to be like me and learn things the hard way. Trust me on this one and take my advice beforehand. Before you even consider reading this walkthrough update your tool! Otherwise you will spend a long time trying to solve it.
Lesson learned from the #BHUSA Arsenal @peepdf challenge. Before you start, first update your tools! Thanks @EternalTodo it was great fun!
Output of peepdf provides information about various suspicious elements which include EmbeddedFiles. Interestingly enough it also contains JS and AA elements which are often starting point of any analysis. Reviewing EmbeddedFiles reveals additional metadata about the file:
We see a very handy feature of peepdf which is information about known CVEs. Instead of jumping to the first JS object, let’s review the relationship between the objects to better understand structure of the file:
It seems that object 5 uses annotations and as we know this pdf likely contains a known getAnnots vulnerability it’s definitely worth looking at:
PPDF> object 5
var version = app.viewerVersion.toString().split(".")[0];
if (version > 10){
app.alert({cTitle:"Peepdf Challenge",cMsg:"You should try with an older version of Adobe Reader ;)"});
The above code checks the version of the software (the reason being is getAnnots vulnerability). If version is greater than 10 it closes the document. If not the following function peepdf(r(a,x.d(this.info.author))); is executed.
Let’s check the object containing getAnnots vulnerability:
PPDF> object 16
var z="";
var an = app.doc.getAnnots({nPage:0});
var s = an[this.numPages].subject;
var buf = s.split(/x1/);
for (var n = 0; n < buf.length; n++) {
z += String.fromCharCode("0" + "x" + buf[n]);
This function takes the annotation’s subject, splits it and performs decoding.
If you take a closer look at tree output once again one of the /Annot objects contains additional stream:
remnux@remnux:~/Desktop/PeePdf$ more decode.js
var shellcode='76x161x172x120x178x120x13dx120x17bx10ax109x12fx12fx168x174x174x170x13ax12fx12fx177x177x177x12ex177x165x162x174x16fx16fx16cx16bx169x174x12ex169x16ex166x16fx12fx10ax109
var z = "";
//var an = app.doc.getAnnots({
// nPage: 0
//var s = an[this.numPages].subject;
var buf = shellcode.split(/x1/);
for (var n = 0; n < buf.length; n++) {
z += String.fromCharCode("0" + "x" + buf[n]);
After executing the code following output appears:
var x = {
k: "RSTUVWXYZabcdABCDEFGHInopqrstuvwxyz01234JKLMNOPQefghijklm56789+/=",
d: function (input) {
var kk = "";
var c1, c2, c3, c4;
var e1, e2, e3, e4;
var i = 0;
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
while (i < input.length) {
e1 = this.k.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e2 = this.k.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e3 = this.k.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e4 = this.k.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c1 = (e1 << 2) | (e2 >> 4);
c2 = ((e2 & 15) << 4) | (e3 >> 2);
c3 = ((e3 & 3) << 6) | e4;
kk = kk + String.fromCharCode(c1);
if (e3 != 64) {kk = kk + String.fromCharCode(c2);}
if (e4 != 64) {kk = kk + String.fromCharCode(c3);}
return kk;
Keep in mind that after opening the original file the following code peepdf(r(a,x.d(this.info.author))); will be executed. We now have found the definition of associative array x which contains function d and takes this.info.author as a parameter.
this.info.author can be found by reviewing the Info object:
PPDF> object 12
<< /CreationDate D:19820925000000
/Author 11 0 R
/Producer Peepdf Library X
/ModDate D:20150805153000
/Creator Scribus >>
Third /JavaScript element contains definition of the function r() which seems to be a decoding function that accepts key and message as parameters:
PPDF> js_beautify object 19
function r(key, data) {
var kk = "";
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
kk += String.fromCharCode(data.charCodeAt(i) ^ key.charCodeAt(i % key.length));
return kk
It looks like we finally have all the the pieces of the puzzle to execute the code in SpiderMonkey:
function d(input) {
var k = "RSTUVWXYZabcdABCDEFGHInopqrstuvwxyz01234JKLMNOPQefghijklm56789+/="
var kk = "";
var c1, c2, c3, c4;
var e1, e2, e3, e4;
var i = 0;
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
while (i < input.length) {
e1 = k.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e2 = k.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e3 = k.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e4 = k.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c1 = (e1 << 2) | (e2 >> 4);
c2 = ((e2 & 15) << 4) | (e3 >> 2);
c3 = ((e3 & 3) << 6) | e4;
kk = kk + String.fromCharCode(c1);
if (e3 != 64) {kk = kk + String.fromCharCode(c2);}
if (e4 != 64) {kk = kk + String.fromCharCode(c3);}
return kk;
var author="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";
function r(key, data) {
var kk = "";
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
kk += String.fromCharCode(data.charCodeAt(i) ^ key.charCodeAt(i % key.length));
return kk
This results in the following output:
js-beautify final.js
var code = app.response({
cQuestion: "Enter the magic code",
cTitle: "Peepdf Challenge"
if (code == calc(app.doc.getAnnots({
nPage: 0
})[0].subject + this.info.producer)) {
cTitle: "Peepdf Challenge",
cMsg: "You got it!! You deserve a peepdf t-shirt!! ;)"
cTitle: "Peepdf Challenge",
cMsg: "But you need to send a small writeup to peepdf at eternal-todo dot com to get one. Just for the three best reports! Go go go! ;)"
cTitle: "Peepdf Challenge",
cMsg: "If you are attending Black Hat just come to my presentation and explain how you solved it. Easier!!"
cTitle: "Peepdf Challenge",
cMsg: "Thanks for playing!! :)"
} else {
cTitle: "Peepdf Challenge",
cMsg: "Try again!!"
Solution to the challenge consist of the annotation /Subj and /Producer which are passed to calc() function.
Annotation subject can be found in the other /Annot object:
PPDF> object 20
<< /Rect [ 100 180 300 210 ]
/Type /Annot
/Subtype /Text
/Subj Black Hat US Arsenal 2015 - peepdf
/Name /Comment >>
<< /CreationDate D:19820925000000
/Author 11 0 R
/Producer Peepdf Library X
/ModDate D:20150805153000
/Creator Scribus >>
Adding /Subj and /Producer gives the following string “Black Hat US Arsenal 2015 - peepdfPeepdf Library X” which is passed to function calc(). Function calc() is a JavaScriptimplementation of MD5 and can be found in object 24.
MD5 of the string is the solution to the challenge: 5af109e5f2e7770bf7f88bfde448d2fe
That was a pretty cool challenge! Be sure to check out Jose’s walkthrough: